Time to Wear Blue

June 14th, 2023 | Lifestyle
Wear Blue to Support Men’s Health Month
Let’s hear it for the men! Men may tend to focus on work more than their health, and this means they have a shorter life expectancy than women – but this can be changed! We want to help all men be healthier! For any guys reading this article, there’s nothing wrong with self-care. In fact, if you take care of yourself, you’re setting up a path to be the best version of yourself – whatever that might be!
Since Men’s Health Month is right around the corner, it is the perfect opportunity to do that!
The campaign of raising awareness for men’s health has been organized for some time now, and June 16th is considered Wear Blue Day. It is a day when people support and educate themselves on men’s health issues.
What happens during Men’s Health Month?
Men all over the world are being celebrated – government agencies, sports teams, private corporations, and individuals show their support for better health and overall well-being of boys and men. Some organizations even host events to raise awareness and money to help improve men’s health.
Learn something more about it
If you want to find out something more about how to preserve your health, start by talking to a medical professional. Review your medical history together and your current health status. This way, you can get plenty of new and useful information about common issues affecting men and how to resolve them.
What can you do to support Men’s Health?
You can make a change in your lifestyle or try to get your partner, father, or brother to make a change too! Let’s face it – the best way to make a change is to start with yourself and your immediate family! Some of our men’s health tips include:
- Learn about your family history. Do your research and see if a certain condition runs in your family. This can be anything from cardiovascular issues to cancer or diabetes. After making a list, visit your healthcare provider and discuss ways to keep these conditions at bay.
- Start making some lifestyle changes. You don’t need to make a drastic change overnight – all you need to do is incorporate some healthy foods and start with light to moderate exercises. It is the perfect starting point that leads to a much healthier life. Keep up the good work, and good things will follow! Additionally, men’s mental health should definitely not be overlooked. If you’re feeling down or anxious – make an appointment with a health care provider for evaluation and advice.
- Undergo regular screening. One of the necessities of Men’s Health Month is to get a complete medical check-up. Screening is much more than a simple visit to the doctor’s office. It includes blood pressure checks, lab work and even the much dreaded colonoscopy. Catching problems early makes them much easier to solve.
- Partner Support. Encourage your partner, brother, father, and friend to make the necessary lifestyle changes for a healthier life. Provide them with the mental and physical support they need.
Last, but not least, remember to observe Wear Blue Day on June 18th to draw attention to men’s health issues. We are happy to support the campaign for Men’s Health Month. Our Queasy line is there to aid anyone in need, so if you are interested, feel free to read more about it or head straight to the purchase page!
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