Everything You Need To Know About Labor And Delivery
October 28th, 2023 | Pregnancy
Preparing for Labor and Delivery: Understanding the Process and Options
So, you’re nearing the end of your pregnancy journey, and the excitement and anticipation are growing. As you prepare for the momentous day when your little one arrives, you must familiarize yourself with the labor and delivery process. Remember that everyone has a different labor experience, each unique in its own right. That said, in this blog, we point out the ABCs of your birth plan, paving the way for an informed and pleasant delivery.
Where the Adventure Begins
Now, let’s look into labor stages and how you can recognize them. Once the sensation of pushing commences, your labor and delivery may have started. But that doesn’t mean that you’re in active labor just yet! Actually, the first stage of labor is the longest, and it starts when you begin having contractions until your cervix is fully open. This stage is further divided into early labor and active labor. Early labor is when your cervix dilates from 0 to 6 centimeters, and contractions during this stage may be irregular and not too intense.
However, once you move into active labor, your contractions become stronger, and your cervix dilates from 6 to 10 centimeters. This is the phase where things really start moving – quite literally! The pushing sensations become more intense, and your cervix opens up quickly, signifying that your newborn is ready for takeoff.
Finally, the third stage is when you deliver the placenta, also known as the afterbirth, marking the end of your labor and delivery.
Your Body’s Marvelous Transformations
Throughout labor, your body undergoes two essential changes: dilation and effacement. Dilation refers to the stretching and opening of your cervix to allow your baby’s birth. Your healthcare provider will measure your dilation, which ranges from 1 to 10 centimeters. In contrast, the second change, effacement, is when your cervix becomes thinner. It’s measured in percentages, progressing from 0% to 100% during labor.
During contractions, your uterus muscles tighten to dilate and efface your cervix. You may experience different sensations, such as uncomfortable cramps or a painful tightening in your abdomen. Some women also feel a dull ache in their back and lower abdomen, along with pressure in the pelvis. It’s important to remember that each active labor contraction brings you closer to meeting your bundle of joy.
Beyond the False Alarms
Now, be careful. Braxton Hicks contractions, often known as practice contractions, can sometimes mimic active labor. The key is to look for a pattern in your contractions. True labor contractions come at regular intervals, gradually increasing in frequency, duration, and intensity. Keep track of them using a journal or a labor app on your phone.
As your due date approaches, you may notice some pre-labor signs that show labor is near. These signs can include backaches, diarrhea, weight loss, and a sudden urge to nest and organize your home. And let’s not forget – sometimes, the anticipation of labor and delivery can be a false alarm. Calm down – your cutie will come soon enough!
Tricks to Take the Edge Off Contractions
When it comes to coping with contractions, there are various strategies you can try. Distracting yourself with activities like walking, watching a movie, or listening to music can help. Additionally, soaking in a warm tub or shower can also provide relief. Finally, finding a comfortable position, like sitting on a birth ball or staying upright, can aid in your baby’s descent and rotation.
Discuss your options with your healthcare provider, including pain management choices like natural methods, epidurals, or other medications. They can guide you in making decisions that align with your birth plan and provide the support you need.
To read more on labor and delivery, check out the rest of our blog. While you’re there, discover how our Preggie Line is a game-changer for your pregnancy.
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