How to Recognize and Overcome Postpartum Insomnia

February 15th, 2023 | Pregnancy
Postpartum Insomnia Has Consequences
Postpartum insomnia is common in many women, especially those who have experienced sleepless nights during pregnancy. This type of sleep disorder can greatly affect your physical and mental health, so leaving it unattended isn’t a good idea.
If you don’t subject to insomnia treatment, it can lead to serious health conditions that can worsen over time. Therefore, seeking help is of crucial importance. For that reason, we have listed some tips to help you recognize and deal with this type of sleep disorder.
Causes for postpartum insomnia
Insomnia symptoms can occur due to several reasons. One of the most prominent ones is the hormonal shift after giving birth, i.e., the sudden decrease in the levels of estrogen and progesterone.
These hormones play a crucial role in regulating your circadian rhythms, which is your body’s internal clock that determines when you feel awake and when you feel sleepy. When these rhythms are disrupted, it can cause you to experience drowsiness during the day and increased alertness at night.
Moreover, the whole process of giving birth can be stressful. When you deliver a baby, your body goes through a series of changes that can lead to postpartum insomnia. In addition, the changes in your daily routine can further increase your chances of experiencing sleep disorders.
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) can also be a new parent’s issue. Research has shown that RLS – a condition characterized by an irresistible urge to move your legs while trying to sleep – can lead to sleepless nights due to the constant disturbance of sleep.
Treating insomnia
Before you start panicking, remember that postnatal insomnia is a common occurrence and that it can be treated. You can try different in-home methods before seeking medical help. By making the right lifestyle changes, you can overcome this sleep disorder and get back to your normal sleeping schedule.
- Make a sleeping schedule
Nothing will be more beneficial to your body than a regular sleeping schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can do miracles for treating your sleepless nights. In addition, a regular sleeping schedule will improve your overall health, which is something you’ll greatly benefit from.
- Give meditation a chance
You might think that meditation is not your thing, but it won’t hurt you to try it when you are facing insomnia symptoms. If you’re struggling to relax, cognitive-behavioral therapy or meditation can be helpful. This is a way to calm your whole body and gather your thoughts. What’s more, meditation can also prove helpful in managing postpartum depression.
- Take a nap when your baby sleeps
This is one of the most common advice given to new moms. Many new parents tend to ignore this recommendation, but it is really helpful. Getting sleep whenever you can is of crucial importance, especially when you are struggling with insomnia.
It’s common to experience interrupted sleep and fatigue after having a baby. However, you should never leave these notions unattended because they might become more serious. Hopefully, our tips will help you handle postpartum insomnia quickly and efficiently!
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