Motion Sickness 4 - Three Lollies


Motion Sickness and How to Prevent it

Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is described as a queasy feeling in your stomach that is associated with traveling. People often experience nausea when riding in an automobile, an airplane, or on amusement park rides. When traveling by boat it is referred to as seasickness, but it is the same thing. It is all related to motion and […]

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FAQs About Nausea

Nausea FAQ

Nausea is the feeling of being sick to your stomach often accompanied by vomiting. It often has many causes and can come and go, depending on the reason you have it. Here are some frequently asked questions about nausea, and ways to prevent it or lessen its effects when you can’t avoid it. That queasy […]

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Overcoming Motion Sickness

Motion Sickness Boat

What will you do if you go on a long road trip or travel by plane to another place and suddenly feel sick? You feel like the food you ate moves up and down, you may even experience this bowling movement on an empty stomach, and as a result, you become dizzy. Feelings of nausea, […]

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What Causes Nausea – More Than A Stomach Bug

Orange Stomach

People sometimes confuse nausea and vomiting. Vomiting is the expelling of the stomach’s content via the mouth; this reflex is uncontrollable. Nausea is the feeling of  wanting to vomit. Most of us have a misconception that nausea or vomiting is a medical condition caused by a stomach infection. While this is true for some, more […]

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